Unbound is the ongoing creative community of Vox Liminis. We are a community of people with diverse experience of the criminal justice system - former and serving prisoners (on home leave, or communicating via email-a-prisoner), people on community sentences, their families, artists, academics, and people who work in the criminal justice system. We use our creativity and experiences to make a positive change for people involved in the criminal justice system

Our normal pattern is to congregate on a Tuesday evening in Glasgow’s East End, eat a meal, and write songs together. Some of the community live further away, and join for occasional projects beyond the regular weekly routine. During Covid-19 restrictions we temporarily moved the community online, opening up new creative challenges and growth as we worked together on various activities (photography, writing and music) remotely.

Set up in the winter of 2014, Unbound began as a response to people who had been involved in Vox Liminis projects while in prison getting in touch after release. It provides a place to make positive connections following punishment to help people move on.

“It’s a creative thing that goes on, it’s not just always song writing, which some people might think that that’s all that happens. Definitely, it’s a community, people get to know each other. And over a period of time, you could regard these people as friends, people that you can trust.” (Unbound Community Member)

From experimenting with photography to painting visual arguments, we are always up for exploring new art forms. however, songwriting is a key part of what we do. Every few months we have ‘sharing evenings‘ where friends, family and the wider community are invited to hear / see and enjoy what we’ve made together.

At Unbound, no one is an expert. We recognise that we all have lots to learn from each other.

“The thing I love most about Unbound is that’s diverse. It spans ages, it spans social classes, it spans backgrounds, and it certainly spans very diverse life trajectories and experiences. The one thing that holds it together is a common interest in making stuff. And what we…what we find generally is that in the process of making stuff together, we become together a community” (Unbound Community Member)

If you, or someone you know, is interested in joining Unbound, contact us at admin@voxliminis.co.uk or call 07526 297973

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