This is a poem by Lucy Cathcart Frödén, who is a regular collaborator on our In Tune project, and also a member of the Distant Voices Research Team. 'Two Rooms' was written in response to her work with In Tune.
Pale fingers clutch coffee
Lemon yellow paint peels
There’s a draught
And a plate of digestives
Wan faces commune
Share stories of being
Sleepless, puked on, eye-poked
While wrangling
The most unwilling of arms
Into bright sleeves
At the toddler group
In a different room
Behind many doors
Parents stand around
As small hands beat drums
Small ankles flex and bounce
And I notice their eyes
The dads, undistracted
They burn and sparkle
Drinking in
Unsteady movements and giggles
Transfixed, glowing
They are not weary of this.
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