20 Feb 2023

Every Vox project starts with a theme.  

A theme can run through a 5-week block at Castle Huntly, or continue to provide inspiration for months at our Unbound sessions. Even a two-hour taster workshop begins with a theme. Having a starting point helps to generate ideas and ‘beat the blank page’.  

Shared themes connect our varied (and geographically dispersed) projects and participants. There are no right or wrong answers – only our own interpretations, informed by our own unique experiences. It’s always interesting to find out how many different directions people go in. Sometimes we end up far beyond where we started... 

So perhaps each year of Vox Liminis should have a theme. A stimulus that connects our diverse creative projects. And that speaks into the time we are in. Society is in an era of flux, which we want to reflect on and represent. But we also want there to be more than this – something more just and fair, more putting people first, more hope.  

Which takes us to our theme for 2023: ‘BEYOND’. This thread will run through not just what we make but also what we share (and how we share).  


Keep an eye out for more news coming soon. 


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