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8th March 2023 We're preparing some exciting new workshops as part of KIN's 2023 focus.

Over the past 5 months, we have been exploring with others how Vox Liminis might best use our creative skills right now to affect change in the justice system with and for young people.
We have landed on thinking about language: its power, how it’s used and how it is experienced. What language is understood when young people come into contact with justice processes, and what language isn’t understood? How do young people experience labelling by adults and other young people? How might young people’s perspectives and experiences create opportunities for learning, and create shifts in how language is used.

Many organisations have done work in this area recently, for example Victim Support Scotland’s 2022 Language Guide outlines more appropriate language to use with people affected by crime.
We wonder if our creative expertise might have a particular role to play in opening these conversations up further? Playful but provocative explorations of language, power and labelling through arts-based workshops could serve to stretch further thinking on the importance of language. Perhaps, with young people, we could make creative stimuli that stretch people’s thinking on language, way beyond those involved in justice reform?

If you have ideas, connections and thoughts on how we might develop this (with others!) please get in touch – we would love to hear from you.

If you or someone you know might be interested in joining this project, please contact jack@voxliminis.co.uk